Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants

Have missing teeth affected your appearance or your bite? Dental implants offered by your Ramsey, NJ, dentists, Dr. Robert Boff and Dr. Banafsheh Goujani of Ramsey Family Dental, can restore your missing teeth and improve your smile.

Why dental implants are an excellent choice

Dental implants make it possible to replace the roots and crowns of teeth. Tiny titanium posts known as implants are placed in your jawbone during a minor oral surgical procedure. Implants replace your roots and bond to your jawbone, becoming as secure as your natural roots over the course of three to six months. Dental crowns connected to the tops of implants improve your appearance and give you the ability to bite and chew with your new teeth.

Implants can be a good option for you if:

  • You're tired of living with missing teeth: Missing teeth can be a problem whether they're visible or not. When teeth are missing, chewing and speech may become more difficult. Shifting teeth, a common problem after tooth loss, can affect the alignment of your remaining teeth or cause bite problems. Replacing teeth with dental implants enhances your appearance, improves biting, and prevents shifting.
  • You don't have any general or oral health problems: As long as you're healthy, you're likely to be a good candidate for dental implants. They may not be a good idea if you have gum disease, smoke, have an immune condition, or take medication that suppresses your immune system.
  • You want to retain your biting power: Since your new roots are securely attached to your jawbone, you're biting power won't suffer just because you have a replacement tooth.
  • You want a long-lasting restoration: Unlike some other restoration choices, dental implants can last your entire life. Keeping your implants in good condition only requires daily brushing and flossing and regular checkups at the Ramsey, NJ, dental office.
  • You've lost one or more teeth: Dental implants are just as effective in replacing all of your teeth as they are at restoring a single missing tooth. Implant-supported bridges and dentures offer an excellent way to fill the gaps in your smile.

Do dental implants sound like a good option for your smile issues? Call your dentists in Ramsey, NJ, Dr. Boff and Dr. Goujani of Ramsey Family Dental, at (201) 327-3060 to schedule your appointment.

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